In February of this past year, I had the opportunity to go to a retreat center in Georgia with a handful of guys on our staff and lead team. We went with the sole purpose of discussing and planning something big for our church. nnI’ve always admired and...
Every artist must paint, every songwriter must make music, every author must write, and every builder must build. (See this article why I think every worship leader should write songs.) These things bring us joy, and we want to share them with the world. But there are...
The Father said he was looking for true worshippers who worship in spirit and truth. He is not looking for fake ones but real ones. God desires authentic worship. A true worshipper is one who is filled with thankfulness, hidden in the shadow of Jesus’ wings. A true...
I recently started a study through the book of Psalms, and I’ve been trying to write a new song (or at least a chorus) for each chapter. I’ve been enjoying this project and thought I’d share it with anyone who might want to catch a daily Psalm even in a small dose....
It seems like everyone I talk to these days is busy. And it doesn’t always feel like the “good” busy, but the kind of busy that leads to stress and anxiety. I don’t know if that’s a seasonal thing, a “race to make up for the last...