The Father said he was looking for true worshippers who worship in spirit and truth. He is not looking for fake ones but real ones. God desires authentic worship. A true worshipper is one who is filled with thankfulness, hidden in the shadow of Jesus’ wings. A true...
I recently started a study through the book of Psalms, and I’ve been trying to write a new song (or at least a chorus) for each chapter. I’ve been enjoying this project and thought I’d share it with anyone who might want to catch a daily Psalm even in a small dose....
It seems like everyone I talk to these days is busy. And it doesn’t always feel like the “good” busy, but the kind of busy that leads to stress and anxiety. I don’t know if that’s a seasonal thing, a “race to make up for the last...
Last week I wrote an article about why I think every worship leader and Christian musician should be a songwriter. I’m not a songwriting expert, and I’m not the guy who’s going to tell you how to write the best songs. But if you are looking to write songs as a...
I think every worship leader should write songs. It would probably be accurate to say that most worship leaders have either written or attempted to write a worship song at least once in their life. However, many worship leaders and Christian musicians don’t write on a...