How To Remain in God’s Love

How To Remain in God’s Love

In John 15, Jesus teaches us to remain in his love because apart from him we can do nothing. Remaining in God’s love might sound like another box to check off in the Christian life, but it is much more than that. If we remain in God’s love, we will bear much fruit,...
4 Signs of a False Teacher

4 Signs of a False Teacher

We might tend to think there are only two options when it comes to our differences in Christianity. That we are either to be fully tolerant of all differences which can lead to a false gospel, or that we are to cry “false teacher” every time someone...
Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? Based on the origin of this holiday, the simple answer to this question is “no.” But in reality, what many Christians want to know is, “should we feel guilty for dressing up in costumes and trick-or-treating in our neighborhood?”...